How Do You Grow A Polka Dot Plant to Liven Up Your Home?

Are you tired of how your living space looks? If this is the case, consider sprucing up the appearance of your home by adding plants.

Houseplants are all the rage — they’re beautiful, affordable, and can bring the outdoors inside. You have many options when choosing the indoor plant you can introduce in your living room. We’ve covered a couple of past plants: the bonsai money tree and the friendship plant.

Let’s look at another plant you can grow to enhance your home interior. This plant is the polka dot plant.

Polka Dot Plant History

Polka dot plants, also known as Hypoestes Phyllostachya, are native to Madagascar and can be traced back to the early 19th century when European botanists first discovered them. The plant’s popularity began to rise in the mid-20th century, with hybridization and breeding programs leading to a wide range of colorful and patterned varieties.

Historically, the polka dot plant has been significant in horticulture due to its unique appearance and ease of cultivation. It has been widely used in indoor and outdoor landscaping, as well as in scientific research and breeding programs. Its popularity has also led to many cultivars with different patterns and colors.

Culturally, the polka dot plant has been associated with creativity and playfulness. Its playful design and bright colors have made it a popular choice for children’s rooms and nurseries. In some cultures, it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home.

In addition, the polka dot plant has been used in traditional medicine for its purported anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Its leaves and stems have been used in poultices and infusions to treat various ailments. Overall, the Hypoestes plant has a rich history and cultural significance, making it a beloved houseplant worldwide.

Is the Polka Dot Plant an Indoor Plant?

Photo by Forest and Kim Starr via Flickr Creative Commons

As the name suggests, the Polka dot plant is primarily an indoor plant that sports polka-dotted foliage.

This indoor plant will surely turn heads as it entertains houseguests with its elegant beauty. The polka dot plant’s flowers against the spotted foliage add to the plant’s prettiness.

What’s more, they come in several striking color combinations. These include red and green, green and white, pink and white, and pink and green. If you want to introduce some color in your living room, you could pair a green and pink polka dot plant with other houseplants.

Although the polka dot plant is ideal for growing indoors, you have the option to grow this plant as an annual. This is possible if you live in temperate to warm zones.

Polka Dot Plant Varieties And Types

Polka dot plants are known for their vibrant and colorful leaves, which come in various patterns and hues. Wide varieties of polka dot plants are available, each with unique characteristics and growing requirements. By understanding the differences between these varieties, you can choose the right one to suit your needs.

  • Hypoestes Phyllostachya ‘Pink Splash’: This variety of polka dot plants features pink and green speckled leaves. It prefers bright, indirect light and moist soil.
  • Hypoestes Phyllostachya ‘White Splash’: This variety has leaves speckled with white and green. It prefers moderate to bright light and well-draining soil.
  • Hypoestes Phyllostachya ‘Red Splash’: As the name suggests, this variety has leaves dotted with red and green. It prefers bright, indirect light and moist soil.
  • Hypoestes Aristata: This polka dot plant has elongated leaves and a more subdued color pattern than other varieties. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.
  • Hypoestes Sanguinolenta: This variety of polka dot plants has deep green leaves with bright pink spots. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.

Is the Polka Dot Plant Safe for Pets?

The polka dot plant is not poisonous. This indoor plant is safe for cats, dogs and other pets. It’s even safe for wild animals if you choose to grow your polka dot plant outdoors.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you should not exercise care around this houseplant. Pets and even children like to put things in their mouths — and plants are no exception.

Although pets and humans won’t experience symptoms of plant poisoning, they may still get sick if they ingest any part of the polka dot plant. If you’re going to take care of this indoor plant, remember to keep it out of reach from pets and little ones.

How to Grow and Take Care of a Polka Dot Plant

Photo by EMILIE RHAUPP via Flickr Creative Commons

Growing a polka dot plant is not especially difficult. This indoor plant, however, tends to get picky with its growing conditions. It also tends to slow down its growth rate if these conditions aren’t perfect.

Caring for a polka dot plant, however, is easy. This houseplant should be good to go once you’ve gotten the hang of maintaining the growing conditions.

Here are some pointers that will help you grow and take care of the colorful polka-dot plant:

Planting from Seed

If you grow the polka dot plant from seeds, sow them on moist and warm soil surfaces. This indoor plant prefers

Then, place the container in a sunny location, such as a sunroom, or beside a window that gets a lot of sunlight, such as an east- or south-facing window. You can expect the seeds to sprout in a few days.

Once the seedling has grown several inches, usually in a couple of weeks, you’re ready to transplant it into a bigger container. You also have the option of moving the polka dot plant outdoors. Just make sure to do this after the threat of frost is over.


Polka dot plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Although they can handle some direct sunlight, excessive sunlight can damage their leaves. On the other hand, too little light can cause the plant to become leggy and lose its vibrant color. For best results, place your polka dot plant near a bright window with filtered sunlight or under a grow light if natural light is limited.


Feed the polka dot plant with an organic fertilizer designed for indoor plants once a month during the warm growing season. Do this every two weeks from April to September.

Also, refrain from feeding the plant during wintertime. Give the polka dot plant a break during winter and begin feeding it again in the early spring to keep the roots healthy and encourage growth.


Moderation is essential when watering the polka dot plant. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely, resulting in wilted foliage. You should also prevent the soil from becoming too soggy, which can lead to root rot and kill the indoor plant.

The key is to water the plant once the top half-inch of the soil has become dry.

Temperature and Humidity

Polka dot plants prefer temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, these plants prefer humid conditions. Keep the humidity level in your home at 50 percent if you can. If you need to bump up the humidity, mist the plant leaves.


Polka dot plants are not typically grown for their flowers, but they produce small, inconspicuous blooms that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. To encourage pollination, keep your plant in a well-ventilated area and avoid over-watering, which can lead to fungal growth and discourage pollinators. If you are growing your polka dot plant outdoors, consider planting companion plants that attract pollinators, such as lavender or bee balm.


Get pruning shears or a pair of clean and sharp scissors to keep the polka-dot plant from developing lanky and long branches. You can promote a bushier growth habit by pinching back or cutting the top two leaves on each stem weekly. Trimming actively can help this houseplant grow healthier and more vigorously.

If you see flowers growing on the polka dot plant, consider clipping them to extend the growing season. The flowers are not as ornamental as the leaves.


You can propagate polka dot plants from cuttings anytime. However, your success rate of growing a healthy plant will be best in the summer or spring.

Start by harvesting the cuttings and dipping them in a rooting hormone.

Next, plant these cuttings in the coil. This will allow the new roots to begin to form in a week. Once the cuttings have a strong root system, transplant them into a larger container.

If done properly, you can expect the polka dot plant to grow new shoots around the base of the plant in the early spring through the early summer.

Don’t settle for a boring living space or home interior. Brighten up your home by growing a polka dot plant.

Common Pests And Diseases

Polka dot plants are susceptible to various pests and diseases, including spider mites, mealybugs, and powdery mildew. Symptoms of pest infestation may include yellowing leaves, stippling or webbing on the leaves, or a sticky residue on the plant. If you suspect an infestation, isolate the affected plant and treat it with an appropriate pesticide or insecticidal soap. To prevent future infestations, keep your plant well-ventilated, avoid over-watering, and inspect new plants before bringing them into your home or garden.

In addition to pests, polka dot plants can also be prone to fungal diseases such as root rot and leaf spot. To prevent these diseases, provide adequate drainage, avoid over-watering, and promptly remove any affected leaves or stems. If you suspect a fungal infection, treat the plant with a fungicide and adjust your watering routine.

Polka dot plants are easy to grow and require minimal care. And for those looking to add a splash of color and charm to their home, these plants are a great choice. You can enjoy vibrant foliage year-round with the right companion plants and proper care. So why not give it a try? You won’t regret it!

Polka Dot Companion Plants

Companion planting is the practice of growing different plants together to benefit both. This technique has been used for centuries to help maximize increasing efficiency and reduce pest problems. The polka dot plant is easy to grow and tolerant of many conditions, making it a great companion for other plants. Several companion plants can help polka dot plants thrive and add diversity to your indoor garden.

  • Spider Plant: Spider plants are excellent companion plants for polka dot plants because they have similar light and watering requirements. They also help improve air quality by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen.
  • Pothos: Pothos plants are known for purifying the air and removing toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene. They are also easy to care for and make great companions for polka dot plants.
  • Snake Plant: Polka dot plants can be great companions with snake plants. They are drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, and can grow in low-light conditions. They also help purify the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Cornflowers: A cornflower plant, also known as bachelor’s buttons, attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies and help to improve soil health by fixing nitrogen. Because of their drought tolerance and easy care requirements, they can be great companions for polka dot plants.
  • Friendship Plant: A friendship plant is a fast-growing, vining plant that is easy to care for. It helps purify the air by absorbing toxins such as carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They are also known to bring good luck and prosperity, making them ideal companions for polka dot plants.
  • Coconut Plant: Coconut plants, with their tropical foliage and unique appearance, can make a great visual complement to polka dot plants. They can also naturally repel pests such as mealybugs and spider mites. A growing coconut tree grows well with minimal maintenance, making it an ideal companion for polka dot plants.

Benefits of Companion Planting

Companion planting has many benefits, and when it comes to polka dot plants, there are several advantages.

  • Improved soil health: Different plants have different nutrient needs, and companion planting can help balance the soil’s nutrient content. It can also help improve soil structure and aeration, essential for health.
  • Reduced pest damage: Certain companion plants can help to repel pests or attract beneficial insects, reducing the damage caused by pests in the garden. It serves as natural pest control and helps keep plants healthy.
  • Enhanced productivity: By selecting the right companion plants, gardeners can enhance the overall productivity of their garden. Companion plants can help to increase yields, improve plant growth, and extend the growing season.
  • Biodiversity: Companion planting can help create a diverse and resilient ecosystem in your indoor garden. By diversifying the types of plants you grow, you can create a healthier and more balanced environment for your polka-dot plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How often should you water your polka dot plant?

Water your polka dot plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Aim to water your plant once weekly, but adjust based on environmental factors like humidity and sunlight.

2) What is the ideal temperature range for a polka dot plant?

The optimal temperature range for polka dot plants is between 60-75°F. But though they can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures, they are susceptible to suffering from drafts and exposure to cold air. So, it is best to keep them indoors.

3) Can a polka dot plant grow in low light conditions?

Polka dot plants can tolerate low light conditions, but their colors may become less vibrant. To maintain their colorful foliage, provide bright, indirect light. If low light is the only option, consider supplementing with a grow light.

4) Is a polka dot plant toxic to pets?

Yes, polka dot plants are toxic to cats and dogs. Ingestion can cause vomiting, drooling, and gastrointestinal upset. Keep polka dot plants out of the reach of pets, or choose pet-safe alternatives if you have pets.

5) Why is my polka dot plant losing its color?

Polka dot plants can lose color due to a lack of light, overwatering, or nutrient deficiencies. Ensure your plant gets adequate bright, indirect light, and avoid overwatering. Consider fertilizing your plant with to address nutrient deficiencies.

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