Always Sunny and Beautiful: Ideas for Designing Your Sunroom

sun room during the day

A sunroom is a perfect addition for homeowners who want to have a relaxing and sunlight-filled space in their house. It also expands your home by having an extra room where you can gather guests or relax after a long day. It can also serve as a home office or your very own yoga room. Other than the aesthetic purposes, the natural light coming in may also help you lower utility costs.

Sunrooms are a pretty straightforward structure. What’s great about them is that they can be easy to decorate and spruce up. But if it’s your first time to have a real estate property with this feature, you may find things quite tricky.

Good thing, some pointers will help you. Here are some of them:

Pick light, neutral colours

You may be tempted to use dark colours, such as brown and maroon, just for the sake of being different. But you may want to avoid it for now. This is because dark shades can draw in and trap heat. So if your sunroom is filled with light, there’s a chance that the space will feel hotter than it should be – especially during summer days. Instead, go for safe, neutral choices, such as white, beige, and cream. You can also use pastel colours, such as yellow, green, and sky blue.

Choose wood-based furnishings

wood based furniture

Your sunroom is basically a patio that has been brought indoors, so fight the urge to use plastic furniture pieces. This time, you have the freedom to use wood furniture, as it is not exposed to the harsh elements of the outdoor. Using plastic pieces for an indoor space may make the entire look quite tacky and awkward. While you’re at it, consider integrating furniture that has metallic components or accents. You may also pick pieces that are in light colours so that this part of the house will be easy on the eyes.

Bring the outdoors indoors

Some homeowners want to bring the outdoors indoors by putting some plants. You can do the same, but you have to make sure that your choices of plants can actually thrive indoors. One part of your patio may serve as an indoor vegetable nursery with tomatoes, eggplants, and some herbs and spices. For aesthetic purposes, you can bring in plants that you can hang on your walls and ceilings.

Don’t forget the exteriors

Don’t just focus on the beauty of your interiors. It would help if you remembered that your sunroom is a space extension with a façade or exteriors. You can easily paint the exteriors with the same colour you used for your main house. However, you may choose to stand out by painting it white or another complementary colour.

Enjoy your space

A sunroom is a nice addition to your home. It allows more sunlight to come in, and you have another room that can serve different purposes. If you want to have a sunroom or a patio enclosure that suits your lifestyle, you may want to work with a professional contractor.

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