Tips on Designing a Bedroom That Grows with Your Kids

kids playing in bedroom

Once your kids are ready to have their own bedrooms, you’ll begin the process of getting to know them better. It is tempting to design their rooms according to what we want. Those boards on Pinterest should account for something, right? Not exactly. The thing about designing your child’s bedroom is that you should let them get a free hand. This is their personal space. Let them decide what they want. It’s tough and complicated, but this is the first step to their independence.

Now, you have to set some ground rules, of course. You want to make sure they’re safe. If the room has a good hardwood floor, you can have soft carpet installed first. This will keep them safe from falls and injuries. Once this is done, you can concede to their whims while still being firm on some of your suggestions.

The problem that most parents have to deal with when it comes to decorating their kids’ room is that their preferences change. Sometimes, those preferences change in a month or less than a year. That’s why it’s advisable not to get any permanent fixture for the bedroom. You and your kids should decorate it with growth and change in mind.

Choose Timeless Furniture

At the very least, put down your feet when it comes to furniture. Let your child choose the paint color and what to hang on the walls or even what toys to put in the room. But when it comes to the furniture, that should be your forte. You have to choose timeless pieces of furniture that will not only stand the test of time but will also grow with your kids. For example, instead of buying a child-size bureau, choose a big one that they can still use in their teenage years. You can also invest in a double bed to accommodate house guests or a sibling in the future.

Invest in Multi-purpose Furniture

girls bedroomEven if your kids have a large bedroom, you’d want to invest in multi-functional furniture because it’s practical. When choosing a bed, for example, pick one that has a storage space underneath. As your children grow, they’ll accumulate more clothes, accessories, and toys. By the time they are teenagers, they’d want a bigger space for all their things. Think ahead.

Keep Away from Pricey Design Elements

It is tempting to buy pricey decorations, but your kids will change their minds in a month. If you want to give in to their requests, you can choose a neutral theme or design. But painting the walls of their bedroom with Disney princesses, for example, is impractical. You can argue to paint it with a color they like or stick Disney decals on the walls. But hiring someone to paint Disney princesses on the walls permanently? That’s not exactly practical and economical.

Keep in mind that nothing is permanent when it comes to kids. Their favorite colors, characters, celebrities, and styles change. One minute, they’re obsessed with purple, and then the next minute, they want orange or yellow or red. It’s a little bit frustrating, but it’s also a window into your kids’ personalities so try to enjoy these moments.

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