Wooden Shingles: Are They Worth the Purchase?

Wooden shingles

When you’re living in a wooden log cabin or want to build your vacation home way up in the steep slopes of the rocky mountains, you will need to use the right materials to resist harsh weather conditions while giving you the right amount of insulation.

Wooden shingles are considered a timeless classic, both having the best of both worlds: function and form. If you’re looking for a durable and long-lasting material that can easily stave off extreme low temperatures and conserve heat, these types of shingles should be right up your alley.

Types of Wooden Shingles and their Benefits

For centuries, wood is known for being one of the most common construction materials in the market, only second to concrete. Since it’s quite abundant, it’s also one of the most cost-effective.

It’s also important to note that different types of hardwood are used as building materials. Most of the time, trees native to the United States are the most abundant, such as cedar. But you can also find different variants that are harvested from different parts of the globe.

Although most of these materials are quite resistant to pests, termites are still known for having a voracious appetite for any wooden material. You might need to get your cabin checked out by pest control before setting up your wood roof.

But other than being cost-effective, what else are the benefits of using each variant of shingles?

Cedar Shingles

  • Cost-effective — Since this type of shingle is widely in demand, manufactured, and used, it’s one of the most popular in the market. The budget-friendly cost of these shingles makes it great for any living space.
  • High tensile strength — A good majority of the country will get hit by hailstorms and hurricanes. Having a durable roof can ensure that it does not break when subjected to high amounts of kinetic energy. Additionally, this makes it a good
  • Smooth texture — Shingles are known for being uniformly cut into more pleasing shapes. If you’re looking for thicker and more rugged cuts, you might want to consider cedar shakes instead.
  • The right amount of insulation — For most homes in cold climates, cedar is considered the warmest type of wood in the business. That makes an excellent option for cold winters and dissipating heat during hot summers.
  • Workhorse classic — Since cedar is a common tree in the United States, it is widely available in almost any builder’s depot.

Composite Wood Shingles

  • Versatile — Since this isn’t necessarily made out of wood, it’s more reliable when it comes to almost any type of weather conditions. That makes it quite resistant to harsh elements.
  • Looks natural — Well, we can’t necessarily call this a straight-up wooden shingle, but it does look natural, which makes it great if you’re keen with flammable materials.
  • Long-lasting colors — The artificial colors used for these shingles can help retain luster and paint even after decades.

Teak Shingles

  • Resists fungal growths — Since this can repel water, you won’t have to worry about fungal growths and molds growing on the surface. That means that you’ll need little to no maintenance on the material.
  • Classy look — The luxurious look is attributed to the meticulous and tedious process. It makes an excellent addition to almost any type of tropical resort, patio, or gazebo that is situated in warmer regions of the country.
  • Unique appearance — The exotic look makes it an excellent choice for different architectural designs.

curb appeal

In terms of pricing, cedar shingles are known for being the cheapest option. Teak shingles will often cost four to five times more than the original price of cedar shingles. Wallaba shingles will cost you around 1.30 times the average rate of shingles.

It’s also worth noting that the price will vary for each state. Since Cedar is native to the United States and is widely produced, it’s the iconic workhorse that most builders use.

Since wood is known for being one of the most abundant building materials in the market, it is also used in constructing different aspects of your home. Still, it’s one of the best-known materials for the roof. Although a bit unconventional, it still gets the job done while still having a multitude of different benefits.

Like any material in the market, each type of wooden shingle has its unique, innate trait. But overall, cedar shingles are the workhorse of almost any kind of a wood roof in the United States. Whether you want to have a rustic finish for your living space or setting up your log cabin, cedar shingles are the go-to material.

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