Things You Shouldn’t Forget to Do Before Moving to Your New Home

Young smiling couple relaxing in the middle of cardboard boxes

Moving to a new home can make you feel excited like a kid going to the zoo for the first time, especially if you’re moving for a positive reason. Leaving your old house for a better one is always an event to look forward to. However, there are some matters that people forget to attend to that could come to bite them back later on. The following are a few of those activities that you should keep in mind before you move:

Update Friends, Relatives, and Subscriptions

It might be obvious for many to do this, but some still forget and end up with nuisances such as missing mail. Inform trusted family members, friends, and any subscriptions that you still want to receive of your soon-to-be new location in a land estate in Whittlesea. Moving doesn’t mean that you have to lose contact with those you care about. Don’t allow a small matter such as snail mail to get in the way of your new home life.

Notify Neighbours

Many families skip this, but it’s best to pay a visit to your neighbours both in the place you’re coming from and the one you’re going to. The former is important because if you’ve forgotten to tell some people that you’ve moved, they can break the news in your stead. Visiting the latter lets you familiarise yourself with the area you’re going to be living in. It’s also helpful to get to know the people you can trust when you encounter any emergencies in the future.

Schedule Transfer of Utilities

Yet another matter that some people forget or simply do at the last minute is making arrangements for utility transfer. You don’t want to move to a house that won’t have cable, an Internet connection, or even a phone for days. Inform your providers of the change in your address a few weeks before the date of the move so that they can set a transfer date that’s convenient for you. When you get that matter out of the way early, you can get back to a normal lifestyle faster once you arrive at your new home.

Discard and Clean Up

Boxing stuff for moving

Before you even start packing, sort out your belongings and get rid of those that you don’t have any use for anymore or are just simply defective. This will lessen the number of items that you have to bring along with you. Organise all the items that you’re packing so that they’re easy to arrange when you arrive at your destination. Also, make sure that both your old and new houses are totally clean before your move date so that you don’t have to waste time.

These are just a few of the easily overlooked activities that you’re better off accomplishing before moving into your new home.  If you want to evade a stressful move to your future house, then make your own list of must-dos. Make sure to check off each item so that you’ll be genuinely ready before the date comes.

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